Healing and rejuvenation starts from within and begins with hope. It’s a spiritual and mental journey that gives our physical bodies the boost to revive and come out stronger through tough times; to make a comeback like never before. Taking lessons about your surroundings and yourself and moving forward with these priceless gems to imagine and lead a better tomorrow is the way to go. It isn’t always the easiest since the pressure of it all can weigh a person down, but with dedication and optimistic approach to life, one can blossom and flourish through the gloomy days.
We here at ARTOZE have been capturing life and talent during this grave pandemic. During this time where spirits may be running low and circumstances seem hard, we are here to offer artists and budding talents an opportunity to rejuvenate and explore their artistic sides through their visions for life after the pandemic. On some days things may seem better, while on some the world may look like it’s falling apart, but the true perception of how we adjust and live our lives after this chaos is through the unique lens of each individual and how they decide to thrive.
Our latest expedition is the online international art exhibition, ‘Towards The Change’ for artists of all ages across the globe. The dominant theme of the event and artworks are ‘Resurgence- Life After The Pandemic’. It will take place on 27th of October, 2020 which is on a Sunday and the artworks will be showcased in an online art virtual gallery. Our online virtual galleries have been known to provide a surreal experience and are sure to leave you wanting for more.
You can register at the following link: http://tiny.cc/artoze-exhibit
Apart from the enhancement of your artistic skills and a cause to look at the silver lining of this whole phenomena taking place, such types of exhibitions guarantee international recognition and outstanding visibility. It gives you an opportunity to showcase your thoughts in front of the world and a chance to contribute your opinion to many people’s lives.
This will ensure immense support from a network of art lovers who are ready to back you up at any moment and a team that supports you. Support and appreciation go a long way in the world of art, but along with it feedback and constructive criticism are the healthy tools for success. We guarantee to offer you with the mediums and stepping stones from the best experts. A certificate of participation will be awarded to every participant for their victorious contributions.
ARTOZE is just simply pleased and excited to meet those with vibrant thoughts to paint. We are constantly making efforts to give you the best online global exhibition experience. We promise a one of a kind experience and wish you all the very best and look forward to see you all.